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Custom Website Design for Aesthetic Clinics & Beauty Businesses 💻


At iCanSocial, we provide complete website design services tailored for aesthetic clinics, training academies, and beauty businesses. We handle everything, ensuring your website is an extension of your brand while being easy to manage. From visuals to content, we take care of it all, allowing you to focus on your clients.


What’s Included:


​Comprehensive Website Creation

We create a fully functional, visually stunning website tailored to your aesthetic and business goals. No need for you to write the text or supply images—we do all the work, including graphics, descriptions, and more. All our websites are custom-designed to match your brand and business needs


Mobile-Friendly Design

With over 80% of users accessing websites via mobile devices, we ensure your website is fully optimized for mobile use, providing a seamless experience across all platforms.


Wix Platform Expertise

Our websites are built on Wix, a highly user-friendly platform that gives you full control once the design is complete. You’ll need to purchase your own domain (we’ll guide you through the process), and Wix hosting fees range between £15-30 per month.


GDPR Compliance & Legalities

We ensure your website complies with GDPR regulations, keeping your business and client data secure.


Full Backend Access & Management

You’ll have full access to your website’s backend. We provide training so you can update treatments, adjust pricing, create discount codes, manage bookings, and even send mailouts to your clients. The website can grow with your business, giving you complete control.


Booking System Integration

We can integrate your existing booking system or recommend the best options for your needs, so you don’t have to duplicate efforts. Seamless booking integration helps manage appointments effortlessly.


Social Media & Additional Features

We link your social media profiles to your website and include extras such as contact forms, interactive maps, subscription services, and blog sections. Everything is designed with your business in mind to help boost engagement and client satisfaction.


Flexible Payment Options:

If you’d prefer, you can choose to pay 50% upfront and 50% upon completion. Simply contact us to discuss this option, and we’ll guide you through the process.

Alternatively, you can also purchase directly via our online store, where we list a variety of website design packages. However, we recommend scheduling an initial phone consultation so we can discuss your needs and suggest the best solution for your business.


How It Works:



After purchasing, we’ll set up a phone consultation to understand your business and branding vision.


Design & Drafts

We’ll gather the necessary information and work closely with you to create several drafts. All amendments are included to ensure the final product is perfect.


Launch & Training

Once you approve the design, we’ll launch the site and provide full training so you can manage updates, bookings, and more.

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